Benchmark Industries

Location: Helena, MT

Established: 1969-2018

People served annually: 900

Products they made for us:

  • PunkinPies
  • MonktoCapes

“The Benchmark Team is thrilled to be a part of PunkinFutz. Delivering excellent products makes our team members feel good about themselves.”

The Benchmark Team

Fun Facts

• The PunkinPie designer coincidentally, hails from Helena, MT.
• They made fly-fishing gear and operated a thrift store.
• Created products for the US forestry service.
• Our first adaptive workplace partner!

A Word from Us

Finding Helena Industries made a huge difference for us. Their Benchmark team had the skill sets to
produce our bags and their workforce was fully inclusive, with a broad range of adaptive and supportive
services. From the very start, they worked with us to make our products better. Their recommendations
included reinforced interior bindings, streamlined construction patterns and fabrication improvments.
Their defect rate was nearly non-existent. Unfortunately, they had to close their doors in 2018 and
we have missed them terribly.

A Word from Them

The Benchmark Team is thrilled to be a part of PunkinFutz. Delivering excellent products makes our team members feel good about themselves. Working with PunkinFutz connects us with people all over the country and we like that we are helping make PunkinPies and PunkinPouches for people with adaptive needs, just like us. We very much appreciate the opportunity that PunkinFutz has given to Helena Industries!